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Available throughout the hockey season.

Contact the office nearest you for more information.


Does your Minor Hockey Association want to offer goalie clinics to their goaltenders?


We offer Minor Hockey Association clinics throughout the year. Typically, we schedule weekly clinics for each association and our instructors go out and help their goalies up their game!


Gold in the Net is the only hockey school program to set and implement standards by having all staff members take a course and pass a demanding test in order to qualify for the different levels of instructing staff.



Coaching Clinics

We have a wealth of experience in coaching, not only goaltenders but also dealing with coaches at all levels, up to the NHL.


Coaches taking our clinics add a better understanding of how to manage their time spent with the goalies on their team. It can be a huge advantage to include a coaching clinic for the coaches in your association to assist them in harnessing the true potential of their individual goaltenders.


We cover topics ranging from how the goalie’s mind works to how to best utilize the goalies workout in conjunction with the team practice.


We have experienced instructors available to conduct coaching seminars including former NHL goalie coaches, former pro goalies as well as professional coaches in the industry.

Available throughout the season.

Contact the office nearest you for more information.

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